Meatair ìre submersible SUP-PX261
SUP-PX261 series water level meter are completely sealed for submersion in liquid, can be used to measure water level, well depth, groundwater leverl and so on, common accracy is 0.5%FS,with voltage or 4-20mA output signals Features Range:0 ~ 100mResolution:0.5% F.SOutput signal: 4~20mA; 0~10V; 0~5VPower supply:24VDC; 12VDCTel.: +86 15867127446 (WhatApp)Email : info@Sinomeasure.com
SUP-P260G Meatair ìre fo-mhuir seòrsa temp àrd
SUP-P260G series water level meter are completely sealed for submersion in liquid, can be used to measure water level, well depth, groundwater leverl and so on, common accracy is 0.5%FS,with voltage or 4-20mA output signals Features Range:0 ~ 10mResolution:0.5% F.SMedium temp.: -40℃~200℃Output signal: 4~20mAPower supply:24VDCTel.: +86 15867127446 (WhatApp)Email : info@Sinomeasure.com
Meatair ìre submersible SUP-P260
SUP-P260 series submersible level meter are completely sealed for submersion in liquid, can be used to measure water level, well depth, groundwater leverl and so on type, common accuracy is 0.5%FS,with voltage or 4-20mA output signals Features Range:0~0.5m…200mAccuracy:0.5% F.SOutput signal: 4~20mA; 0~10V; 0~5VPower supply:24VDC; 12VDCTel.: +86 15867127446 (WhatApp)Email : info@Sinomeasure.com
Meatair ìre submersible SUP-P260-M5
Tha meatair ìre submersible SUP-P260-M5 air a seuladh gu tur airson uisgeachadh ann an leaghan, faodar a chleachdadh gus ìre uisge a thomhas, doimhneachd tobar, luamhan uisge talmhainn agus mar sin air adhart, is e cruinneas cumanta 0.5% FS, le bholtadh no comharran toraidh 4-20mA air a chleachdadh.Togail seasmhach 316 SS airson beatha earbsach, fada ann an àrainneachdan cruaidh.Feartan Raon: 0 ~ 5m Fuasgladh: 0.5% F.SOout comharra: 4 ~ 20mAPower solar: 24VDC
Meatair ìre submersible SUP-P260-M3
Tha meatair ìre submersible SUP-P260-M3 air a seuladh gu tur airson uisgeachadh ann an leaghan, faodar a chleachdadh gus ìre uisge a thomhas, doimhneachd tobar, luamhan uisge talmhainn agus mar sin air adhart, is e cruinneas cumanta 0.5% FS Raon Feartan: 0 ~ 5mResolution: 0.5% F. Comharra toraidh: 4 ~ 20mAPPower solar: 24VDC
SUP-P260-M4 Ìre submersible agus meatair teòthachd
SUP-P260-M4 Tha ìre submersible agus meatair teòthachd air an seuladh gu tur airson a dhol fon uisge ann an leaghan, airson ìre leantainneach agus tomhas teòthachd ann an ìre uisge, doimhneachd tobar, luamhan uisge talmhainn agus mar sin air adhart.Feartan Raon: Ìre: (0…100) m Teòthachd: (0…50) ℃ Cruinneas: Teòthachd: 1.5% Ìre FS: 0.5% Comharra toradh FS: RS485/4~20mA/0~5V/1~5VPower supply:12… 30VDC
SUP-P260-M2 inneal-sgaoilidh ìre sensor ìre slugaidh
SUP-P260-M2 Slurry level meter are completely sealed for submersion in liquid, can be used to measure water level, well depth, groundwater leverl and so on, common accuracy is 0.5%FS,with voltage or 4-20mA output signalsused. Durable 316 SS construction for reliable, long life in harsh environments. Features Range:0 ~ 100mResolution:0.5% F.SOutput signal: 4~20mAPower supply:24VDCTel.: +86 15867127446 (WhatApp)Email : info@Sinomeasure.com